We are located in Kampala-Uganda                   

Havens Girls Transitional Shelter.

"Safe Guard And Cherish A Girl,Change Her World".


Jesus replied, ’Foxes have dens and birds have nets, but the son of Man has no place to lay his head’’. Mathew 8:20.

In a nation where girls are often denied education or pulled from school for economic reasons, cultural beliefs, loss of parents, violence among others. We are working to keep girls in schools so they can become productive members of society. We run a shelter to assist secure the girls from all sorts of danger and protect them from any addictive behavior.

Briefly About the Haven Girls Transitional shelter.

In 2017, we had our first girl cases which were quite hard ones basing on the fact that it was our first incident to rescue a young girl who was mentally unstable and had no families at all, this is necessitated the need for us to start a small girls home at that time. These girls stayed with Hajara until we found her aunties/relatives, however many girls often came back each time there were troubles from their families.

over the years, we kept welcoming girls into the small roomed shelters that we were renting at that time and all the girls had to share a bed with Hajara as the next room was for the boys. With the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic, many young girls who were highly in danger on the streets and in dire communities attended our feeding programs in hope of having a meal and shower. And in the evening they would head to the different corners where they could sleep and this scared Hajara and demanded for solution as the girls were living in danger each tie it got dark.

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With being a girl child its self is a huge challenging factor on the streets as predators are always on the peak of their game to use and introduced these young girls to a number of dangerous and inhuman programs. Hajara’s work intensified as many girls came to the programs with each having their own story and a challenge that put them on the run for their lives such prostitution, abuse, violence, death of parents, HIV/AIDS among others. With many girls coming from different backgrounds, there was a need to bring all the girls under the same umbrella in terms of relating with each other in the one roomed house as most of them were coming from different streets with each having its own characteristics and behaviors which created huge tensions among there.

At shelter, timetables are designed that fully keep all the girls busy in terms of what to do, what time to do and when to do it, this brings all the girls together as they do chores and start to share their stories, this puts an ease in our activities during mentoring as we have pathways to get to them after creating a favorable environment for them. The children in the shelter are taught how to live under rules and guidelines contrary to their lives on the streets, they eat three meals a day, sleep in a bed safe from harm and have a place to wash from and a pit latrine.

But more than having their physical needs met, these girls are loved by the people who now look after them, each shelter has a transformed volunteer ‘’young lady’’ from our previous rescue center for the girls, these young ladies were former street children who transitioned, improved and this is an example to all the children, the shelter is under supervision of a female as well to help their spiritual and emotional health which is paramount to us.

Our home was born out of an urgent need for a shelter where we could rehabilitate street girls that couldn’t manage the street lifestyle. The teenagers who live in our home had met the staff members of Save Sunshine shelter kids at the weekly ministry program. In discussions their distress and their motivation to change their lives became clear. In our transitional shelter, we offer them a real home environment and celebrate special occasions with them such as their birthdays, sometimes go out for swimming, attending social Christian youth events such as youth camps and competitions in the house and outside.
The second step is a placement at our shelter where children stay for years/months. The Havens Girls Transitional shelter provides a loving, safe place for the children to stay temporarily as they settle into life away from the streets before returning home to their family. During this rehabilitation process, the children are given and provided with regular counseling, all time check ups as each child has a different need, requires emmotional support,proper feeding,beddings and then join the learning center(educating them) as we continue to learn of his/her story and be able to trace for their families.


Our Shelter Chores

We not only want to raise them with discipline and integrity but also as children who can work and particpate in any activity at the shelter so they can have a chance to participate in the challenging and changing World. We want them to have a chance in any activity that there is and better their futures.

Activities Involved

Discipleship is at the core of everything we do. We deeply desire to see our children and staff connect with Christ in a meaningful way that celebrates who He is & who we are in Him.

We ensure that the kids recevice proper medical care at all times and those with uncure diseases their monthly check-ups are done.

Feeding is one of the core element at the shelter, we ensure kids have all their meals and a proper diet is maintained.

Counseling provides and gives healing to many of the children, We counsel the kids every day after Prayers and those needing specific counseling, a counselor meets a few times in a month.

Book Revising allows us to teach and keep a proper check up on every kid and the grade they are fit to join once they enrol in schools.

We involve the children not only in learning,Games but ensure they learn the different aspects of work such as washing,Bathing,Mopping,Organising their things so as to train them for the world they are yet to enter indepedently.

We believe in education as the key to the world and with this we keep our kids dreams burning by enrollling them in schools and provide them a chance to be what they aspire to became.

Proper sleep develops the mind and allows the brain to rest and function. we take itt upon ourselves to ensure that every kid has the right and proper materials to sleep and rest on.

Every child possses a talent and through Music Dance and Drama we have witnessed many kids show case and create different formations.

Many of our children are atheletical in nature and we ensure that they hhave the time to practice and grow their sports desires,many of the boys are footballers and have won medals for their participation, the girls are into Net ball and craft mostly.

With the World advancing, we take it upon ourselves to set up and ensure the kids have an idea about each and everything that can be an occupation/ability and so we rear Hens and Rabbits something that they all love and take responsiblity for in feeding and cleaning up the poultry houses. .

Art is one of the dominating program at the shelter as many children love to draw Art and shade it, we want to ensure that alll kinds feel represented and well understood as they all share their talents and skills in different things.

Many of our children love to write and compose poems. Through poetry, many of our children have been able to join some competitions and managed to perform well especially basising on their history and the many years most of them have taken without joining school.

Our kids love to bake, peel,cook and make food together with the help of the cook. We don't just want to raise them and not train them of the responsibilities that come their way once their are grown and go indepedently into the World.

Our children speak and we listen, our children listen and learn, Our children want to be reepresentatives and they do so through the debtaes they constantly have at the shelter basising on the existing matter of discussion.